Self summary...
I am not good at it - or at least not in deciding what to sum up about me.
I am small. Though I need big spaces. Like the World, the Universe, the souls of others, and hugs.
I am hard at making decisions. And I am a really "depends-on-my-mood".
And my life could be described as a list of assosiacions. At least I would do this way. :)
I am "blessed" with (not) having the worst memory ever... :P Really, it is confusing sometimes, that I act like an 80 year old lady would without getting her cavington pills...
I am fond of colours. In all ways. On walls, paintings, in clothes, flowers, even voices. And in people.
I believe in people, in the "elemental" humans, living with the same souls, in several parts of this World.
If I should choose a "religion" I would say that I have faith in Pangea of souls, of people. Living in one continent of feelings, and dreams. In their creations, bridges, and gods.
I am keen on dancing. This is a very important part of my life. And even if I am not an expert of dance - tried and was member of danceschools, but competing is not my world -,
It is a special, an own expression of my feelings, meaning about World, and the world within me. I feel myself one with the universe, and it is a teraphy for me, solving any kind of problems.
My real side can be found dancing...
In music gypsy music and folk world is really meaning
I believe in love. [On the ryhtm of Katie Melua's same titled song. :)]
Not only for people. For *one human*. But for the whole World, for the Life we live in. I am madly in love with Life.
We are all lovers here. And make love with/in every movement of ours, phisically or spiritually. Because love starts in ourselves. Not for *someone*, but for Everyone, and it concentrates more and more to S/He, as Time requires.